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lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011

Krell Industries

CAST (Current Audio Signal Transmission) is a proprietary technology by Krell Industries, LLC that effectively combines the signal gain stages of components connected in CAST into one gain block. CAST technology virtually eliminates the noise and distortions created from the use of multiple voltage gain stages. A Krell system connected in CAST transfers the signal in the current domain, throughout the signal path to the amplifier output stage where only one current to voltage conversion (I-to-V) takes place. CAST enabled products include a transmitter and receiver circuitry that transfers current from an extremely high output impedance (source) to a low-impedance input (load), minimizing the cable's effect on signal transmission.

CAST technology expands the usable audio signal bandwidth well over 2 MHz; ensuring harmonic reflections are virtually immeasurable in the audible frequency range. CAST allows signal transmission over extended lengths of interconnect cable, allowing flexible placement for your components, without signal degradation.

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